Ray's Bradbury book the Veldt is about a couple have a futuristic house, the house make everything for them while they do whatever they want. On this house the is a nursery for the kids and it takes form of whatever the kids imagine. Thanks to the futuristic house Gorge and Lydia didn't spent much time with their kids. The kids began to hate their parents and always imagine Africa on the Nursery. Their parents didn't like that so they decide to turn off the whole house. How the kids hated their parents they turned on the house and killed their parents with the room.
"The ceiling above them became a deep sky with a hot yellow sun". This quote tell's me how real this room could be. They are talking a room that can project a sun and it feels real as the real one. And that on this room you can even feel different type of climate.
"Nothing over there I can but cleaned bone, and the vultures dropping for whats left". On this quote we can feel how dramatic is the actuated of Lydia cud be. She sees this room with horror because she is scared of all the things his children imagine, and she feel guilty because of that.
I think that what inspired Ray Bradbury to make this story and what he want to transmit to us is that little by little technology is taking over our life's, and it is driving us away from the people we love. What i have learn on this story is that technology can make our life's essayer but we need to have conscience when we use it. Also thanks this story helped me to identify myself more with Ray Bradbury because this year little by little I have started using more and more technology and most of the time I cant find and stopping point.